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深圳市城市规划设计研究院股份有限公司 公司性质:国有企业 公司规模:1000人以上 公司领域: 建筑设计,园林景观,市政路桥,规划咨询,环境工程,其他


深圳市城市规划设计研究院有限公司=深圳市城市规划设计研究院总院 深圳市城市规划设计研究院,是一所拥有雄厚技术实力的城市规划咨询研究设计机构。历经市场经济和城市化大潮的洗礼,身处改革开放前沿城市的深规院在长期全方位参与深圳市的宏观政策研究、城市发展研究、规划设计和工程咨询过程中,积累和形成了深厚的学术理论功底、丰富的项目经验和强大的专业攻坚能力,已经成为深圳市城市规划建设的一支重要技术力量,综合技术实力位居全国知名规划院前列。 The Shenzhen Urban Planning & Design Institute (UPDIS) is an urban planning research and design firm possessing wide-ranging capabilities.Back during China’s first foray into the market economy and the country’s nascent urbanization, UPDIS began its ascent. The city, and UPDIS along with it, forged ahead in the reform and opening up movement. Since that time, UPDIS has built up not only a large academic and theoretical body of work, but also extensive practical, project experience. The Institute has become a force in Shenzhen’s urban planning and construction due to its proficiency in areas such as macro policy and urban development research as well as urban planning & design and engineering consulting. Creative solution-making combined with technical and design strengths place UPDIS at the leading edge of national planning institutes. 具有国家城乡规划甲级资质、市政道路工程设计甲级资质和建筑工程设计乙级资质。 UPDIS is a National Class A Urban and Rural Planning firm, while it is National Class B in Municipal Engineering Design and Architecture &


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