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九城都市建筑设计有限公司(上海/苏州) 公司性质:私营/民营企业 公司规模:50 - 99人 公司领域: 建筑设计


  公司目前有博士2位,博士后1位,一级注册建筑师、一级注册结构工程师及注册设备工程师15位。公司成立以来已完成多项有一定影响力的建筑工程,分别获得全国优秀勘察设计一等奖、中国建筑学会建筑创作奖、世界华人建筑师协会设计金奖和银奖、上海国际青年建筑师建筑展一等奖、威海国际建筑展一等奖、江苏省优秀建筑设计一等奖、苏州市优秀建筑设计一等奖等,并有多项作品分别入选《2004年中国建筑艺术年鉴》 、《2006年中国建筑艺术年鉴》、 《建筑学报五十年精选(1954~2003)》、《北京宪章在中国——2003~2005中国建筑师作品集》、《建筑2010——中国新建筑》、《创作者自画像——中国青年建筑师当代中国新作品》、《中国青年建筑师188人》、《建筑趋势2014》、《商业建筑风向标》、《总部科技园III》等。




9 Town Studio was founded in January 2002,has 2 branches in Suzhou and Shanghai. Our company has the Grade A Design Qualification of Construction Engineering (Architecture) issued by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. Our business includes urban design, architectural design, landscape design and interior design.

9 Town Studio has 2 PhDs,1 post Doctorate,15 Class 1 Registered Architects and Class 1 Structural Engineers and Class 1 Registered Equipment Engineers. Since the founding of our company, we have completed a number of influential projects. These projects received many famous awards in China, such as gold and silver by WACA, Creation Award by Architectural Society of China, first prize of Shanghai International Young Architects Exhibition, first prize of National Excellent Design, first prize of Weihai International Architecture Exhibition, first prize of Jiangsu Province Excellent Architectural Design, first prize of Suzhou Excellent Architectural Design. Many of our projects have been selected to <2004 China Architecture Yearbook>, <2006 China Architecture Yearbook>,<Architectural Journal 50 years best collections (1954 ~ 2003)>,<Beijing Charter in China - 2003 ~ 2005 Chinese Architects Portfolios>, <188 Chinese Young Architects>, <Architecture Trend 2014>,<Commercial Architecture Tide>,<Headquarters& Sci-Tech Parks III>,etc.

At the same time our company also actively engaged in the research and exploration of architectural theory. We have published 8 monographs and translated books. We have also published 60 and more research papers and articles in < Architectural Journal>,<World Architecture>,<Time Architecture>,<New Architecture>,< Architectural Worlds >,< Art & Design >,<Interior>,<Huazhong Architecture>,< Urbanism and Architecture >,etc.

Our chief architects are practicing in many design projects; meanwhile, they actively participate in teaching and exchange activities in Tongji University, Southeast University, Zhejiang University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Suzhou Institute of Science and Technology and other architectural institutions.

Production, research and teaching perfectly complement each others. This can not only let our company maintain the strong creative vitality, but also improve ourselves in theoretical research and teaching. This is the way how we work, the way how we live and the direction we work hard for.



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北京远东工程项目管理有限公司 浙江省工业设计研究院有限公司 北京中联环建文建筑设计有限公司 M.A.O.一级建筑士事务所 北京云翔建筑设计有限公司 广东省城乡规划设计研究院有... 南京华科建筑设计顾问有限公司 徐辉设计股份有限公司
