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苏州固德防水工程有限公司 公司性质:私营/民营企业 公司规模:1 - 49人 公司领域: 工程施工,工业建筑,工程勘察,环境工程,建筑设计,其他


固德防水工程有限公司,是华东地区工商业建筑维护防水行业的领导企业。固德,作为美国GAF集团华东地区总代理,采用美国先进的屋面防水、 防腐、隔热技术和成熟经验,并结合中国建筑工程屋面施工特点,向客户提供有针对性的屋面防水、 防腐、隔热整体性解决方案,以及科学的、专业的施工服务。 公司拥有专业的技术人员及施工队伍,配备进口的防水、防腐、隔热机械设备,近年来积累了丰富的施工经验,能针对不同屋面情况采取科学的措施,达到彻底解决问题的效果。 目前,公司服务的客户大多是国内外知名企业,从厂房、办公楼、酒店到仓储物流,我们用心专注每一位客户,为客户竭诚提供金属屋面、混凝土屋面、改性沥青基屋面、复合卷材屋面的维修、维护及翻新服务。 我们的服务质量、经验、技术专长以及灵活性可以保证客户得到最高的投资回报。 2018年伊始,固德上海分公司正式成立,将为上海客户提供更为及时的、周到的服务。雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越! GooDe Waterproofing Engineering Co., Ltd.(, is a leading supplier of waterproofing industry & commercial,industrial construction maintenance in East China. As GAF’s exclusively distributor in East China area, We offer to our customers the integrated solutions which are specific to roof waterproofing, corrosion resistant and heat insulation by applying the advanced techniques and matured experiences of USA, as well as incorporating the characteristics of China construction. With a team of professionals and skilled tradesmen, and equipped with the advanced mechanical equipment, we have gained the rich construction experiences which enables us to solve the problems completely by taking scientific approach to different situations. Currently, the customers we have served are mostly well-known enterprises, ranging from manufacturing, office, commercial, logistics and warehousing. With dedication to each customer diligently, our service offerings include the maintenance, repairs and retrofits for metal roof, concrete roof, modified bitumen roof, and PVC/EPDM/TPO roof, etc. Our quality, experience, technical expertise, service and flexibilities combined to provide the customers with the highest possible return on the investment. At the beginning of 2018, the Shanghai branch of Goode Waterproofing is formally founded, which will provide more timely and thoughtful service for Shanghai customers


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