
高级建筑设计师 13k~25k

本科及以上 经验不限 上海-黄浦区

更新时间: 2023-02-07

私营/民营企业 1 - 49人


招聘日期: 2023-02-06 ~ 2023-02-07


职位要求:1.建筑学本科或以上学历(老八校本科或海外硕士优先),3年以上建筑方案设计工作经验。2.能熟练使用AutoCAD、Photoshop、Sketch-up、Rhino、Illustrator、InDesign、PPT等绘图排版建模软件。3.有作为主要成员参与大型项目的经验,或有独立完成小型项目的经验,请在作品集中说明所任工作及职位。4.热爱建筑设计,具有独到的创作理念及创新意识和方案设计能力。5.具有良好协调能力、善于沟通与团队协作能力,认真负责、敬业踏实。6.具有海外留学或工作背景、境外设计公司或知名设计公司工作经验者优先。1. Bachelor degree or above in Architecture (Master degree preferred), 5-year work experience in Architectural Design.2. Proficiency in AutoCAD, Photoshop, Sketch-up, Rhino, Illustrator, InDesign, PPT and other drawing and layout modeling software.3. Experience as an active member in large-scale projects, or experience in the completion of independent smaller projects, please describe your work and achievements in your application.4. Passionate about Architectural Design, with unique creative ideas and innovative capabilities in conception and design.5. Good teamwork, coordination and communication skills, serious, dedicated and responsible.6. Overseas experience; higher education or work experience at a foreign or well-known design company is preferred.