
市场专员Marketing Specialist 10k~15k

本科及以上 二年以上 上海-浦东新区

更新时间: 2019-11-19

外商独资 100 - 499人


招聘日期: 2019-11-14 ~ 2019-11-20



Report to the marketing manager, and closely communicate (English and/or French) with the marketing staff of the company headquarters, coordinate, accurately position and manage the brand and image of the company and products;

2. 在其它部门同事的配合下,开展、组织、协调、管理公司层面计划的牛羊业市场活动;对销售在区域内独立进行的牛羊业市场活动进行督导;

To carry out, organize, coordinate and manage the marketing activities of bovine and ovine industry planned by the company with the cooperation of colleagues from other departments; To supervise the independent marketing activities of bovine and ovine in different region;

3. 根据市场部要求策划、组织、开展牛业产品专项促销活动或牛羊业新品上市专项活动;

According to the requirements of the Marketing Department, I need to plan, organize and carry out special promotional activities for bovine and ovine products or special activities for the launch of new cattle products;

4. 管理并完善牛业市场的产品资料、工具及其它牛羊业市场资源;

To manage and improve the product information of bovine and ovine industry. Collect and organize market resources of bovine and ovine industry for the company;

5. 认真学习和掌握牛羊业产品知识,把工作重点放在产品特点、特性的掌握上,结合实际工作准确完成产品的特征与利益转换并将信息传达至销售;

Study and master the knowledge of bovine and ovine products carefully, focus on the grasp of product characteristics, characteristics, combined with the actual work to accurately complete the transformation of product characteristics and interests and convey the information to the sales;

6 . 具有兽用类(牛羊马等)B超影像相关知识理论,掌握实操技能者优先考虑;

Have the knowledge and theory of b-mode imaging of animals (cattle, sheep and horses, etc.), master the practical skills is preferred;

7. 对市场营销大数据进行分析,及时跟踪并掌握同业产品的定价、性能、促销策略等市场信息,并进行分析、判断、预测未来产品市场的状况和变化趋势;

Analyze the big data of marketing, timely track and master the pricing, performance, promotion strategy and other market information of products of the same industry, and analyze, judge and predict the situation and change trend of the future product market;

8. 加强与公牛站系统相关人员的沟通与接触,维护并提高公司与公牛站客户的良好合作关系;

Strengthen the communication and contact with bull station system personnel, maintain and improve the company's good cooperative relationship with bull station customers;

9. 对牛羊业牧场应用的本公司产品、销售渠道、(潜在)客户进行梳理,积极拓展牛业牧场产品的市场;

Sort out the company's products, sales channels and (potential) customers applied in bovine and ovine ranching, and actively expand the market of cattle and sheep ranching products;

10. 负责公司的网站、微信等共享平台的建设、更新及优化;

Responsible for the construction, update and optimization of the company's website, WeChat and other sharing platforms;

11. 了解并掌握客户对本公司产品和应用方面的投诉,根据公司安排开展客户满意度调查;

Understand and master customer complaints about the company's products and applications, and conduct customer satisfaction survey according to company arrangements;

12. 组织并筹办市场部牛羊业市场活动,例如:全国种公牛站生产管理技术培训班、卡苏种公牛站培训班、


Organize marketing activities for cattle and sheep industry, such as: Bovine Center Director Conference,IMV Bull Station Seminar, Bovine Industry VIP Delegation to France;

13. 搜集并整理竞争对手的相关产品信息,并将所搜集信息传达销售;

Collect and collate competitor's product information, and transfer the information to sales;

14. 新老产品的信息的翻译与更新,并将产品特点、特性传达销售。

New and old product information translation and update, and product characteristics, characteristics of communication sales.


1. 本科及以上学历,动物医学、动物科学等专业,具有种公牛站工作经验及牧场工作经验者优先;

Bachelor degree or above, major in animal medicine or animal science, working experience in breeding bull station or pasture is preferred;

2. 具有兽用类(牛羊马等)B超影像相关理论知识及实操技艺者优先考虑;

B ultrasound imaging related theoretical knowledge and practical skills are preferred;

3. 具有出色的市场洞察力、品牌策划能力及整合传播技巧,熟练应用计算机办公软件,有独立策划组织市场推广活动的成功案例者优先;

Excellent market insight, brand planning ability and integrated communication skills, proficient in the use of computer office software, have a successful case of independent planning and organizing marketing activities is preferred;

4. 出色的沟通、协调及组织能力,良好的英语和/或法语的听、说、读、写能力;

Excellent communication, coordination and organization skills, good English and/or French listening, speaking, reading and writing skills;

5. 思维活跃、善于学习,具有创新与合作精神;

Active thinking, good at learning, innovative and cooperative;

6. 为人诚实可靠、品行端正,责任心强,能承受工作压力;

Honest and reliable, moral integrity, a strong sense of responsibility, can work under pressure;

7. 能够适应国内外出差工作,具有吃苦耐劳的精神。

Can adapt to work on business trips, with the spirit of bearing hardships and standing hard work.

此岗位为总公司:上海卡苏生物科技有限公司招聘  工作地为上海