
中级方案设计师 Landscape Architect 11k~15k

本科及以上 三年以上 上海

更新时间: 2024-04-25

外商独资 1 - 49人


招聘日期: 2024-03-28 ~ 2024-04-25


1. 重点院校景观或风景园林相关专业本科以上学历,4年以上工作经验;
2. 能够独立完成中小型项目方案设计,熟悉方案至施工图后期现场服务全案设计流程;
3. 参与过多种类型项目,有一定经验积累;
4. 工作积极主动,责任心强,能适应高效率的工作环境并具备良好的团队合作精神。

1. Bachelor degree or above in landscape architecture or related major from the key universities, more than 4 years' working experience;
2. Able to independently complete the scheme design of small and medium-sized projects, and be familiar with the whole design process of on-site service from the scheme to the construction drawing;
3. Participated in a variety of projects, with certain experience;
4. Proactive, responsible, able to adapt to high efficiency working environment and good team work spirit.