

Architects GIV


建筑本身不在于建筑本體 , 而是人 .

每一個建筑不只是她的位置形成以及建筑體的形式 , 更重要在于建筑師的

內心表達和思想的延續 . 同一個建筑 , 不同的設計者 , 都會有不同的建筑

本體以及個人的表達觀點 . 他們對周邊環境的考慮 , 建筑的功能 , 可持續

, 都會有很好的結論 . , 真正影響建筑和形成是建筑師的內心世界 .

筑文化不是理性而是感性的 . 每個個體都不同 , 就像一本文學著作的收獲

都不一樣 , 以及體會感受領悟都不同 . 精神上的啟發觸動收獲才是建筑本

體的真實意義 .

建筑就是符號 , 帶給你更多的想象 , 但一定不是句號 , 因為沒有句號 .

芥吾建筑設計事務所由活力的國際建筑师組成 .

GIV 是不完整的給予 , 但留給我們許多想象 . 建築十全十美是不存在的 ,

更多時候是我們個人內 心中認為的完美 . , 也許過壹段時間 , 我們的觀

點就會有改變 , 曾經覺得不完美的東西或者有 遺憾的會產生更多的想象

感受 , 變成另壹種有生命力極致的美 .


Architecture is not about itself, but about human beings.

Every building is not only about its location and form, the essential is the designer's

thoughts and ideas. For the same project, each architect has his own understanding

and imagination. Its consideration on surroundings, functionality, durability will

all be taken into account. However, what will make the building different is the

designer's thoughts. Architecture work is not rational. Same as reading a literature

book, each one has his own understanding and feeling on the work. To touch or

illuminate human is then the ultimate utility.

As a sign, architect leaves continuation of imagination, but it is not a period, since

there is no end.

Architects GIV is a dynamic international team. GIV is incomplete part of GIVE,

however it leaves imagination. Perfect doesn't exist in Architecture itself, but

in one's mind. Mind may change as times goes on, those things look imperfect

before bring about more imagination & sense, then become unapparelled beauty

in another form.