

  关于PADW PELLEGRINO & ASSOCIATES DESIGN WORKSHOP(以下简称PADW)于1989年创立于法国南特,是一家法国注册的建筑设计事务所,其高效专业的团队曾负责过法国,中国,西班牙,英国及非洲等多个国家的项目。 PELLEGRINO & ASSOCIATES DESIGN WORKSHOP(here in after referred to as PADW) was founded in 1989 in Nantes, France, is a French registered architectural design firm, it's high professional team has been in charge of projects like in France, China, Spain, Britain and many countries in Africa . 事务所的主要设计工作集中在医疗建筑领域,同时涉及商业、居住、文化建筑和城市设计等多个领域方面。PADW在绿色节能建筑的设计理论研究上有突出的贡献,于2011年建成的Ancenis学生及青年公寓曾获得2012年法国绿色建筑奖,并于同年成为巴黎建筑博物馆馆藏项目。 The main design work of the company is concentrated in the field of medical architecture, and involves many fields, such as commercial, residential, cultural buildings and urban design. PADW has great contribution to the research on the design theory of green energy-saving building, built in 2011 Ancenis students and youth apartment won the 2012 French Best Green Building Award, and in the same year as collections of Paris Museum of architecture project. 秉承创新研究精神,PADW在它的每一个项目里面都强调与使用者的协作设计,从项目的实际情况出发,结合世界现行设计理念,并借助其广泛的横向专家咨询团队,为客户提供最专业的建议和量身定制最适合的解决方案。 With the innovation spirit of research, PADW in each project inside it and emphasized the collaborative design of users, starting from the actual situation of the project, combining the current design philosophy, and with it's broad horizontal expert advisory team, provide suggestions and solutions tailored to the most professional and most suitable for customers. 今天,PADW的业务领域已正式拓展至中国,其子公司名为百塔威(上海)建筑设计咨询有限公司,是PADW在亚太地区的重要据点。其目的是在中法两国分享医疗、康复和养老建筑等方面的专业技术和经验,同时,PADW及其专家团队还积极发展体育领域项目,目前正参与北京2022冬季奥运会部分场馆即设施的规划设计工作。 Today, PADW business has been officially extended to China, it's subsidiary named Pellegrino Construction Design Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., is an important strong hold of PADW in the Asia Pacific region. It's purpose to share the medical treatment, rehabilitation and pension building and other aspects of professional and technical experiences to China, at the same time, PADW and his team of experts also actively develop the sports project, is currently in the planning and design work for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics is part of the venue facilities.