

  XING DESIGN 设计工作室创建于纽约,2017年入驻上海。实践领域涵盖建筑设计,城市设计与规划,景观,室内,装置艺术等。基于多学科交的视角,以创新设计的方式进行实践。在项目的选择上,我们倾向于趣味性,挑战性,和跨学科;在工作方法上,我们强调理性组织,高效合作,不内耗,不做无用功,结果导向。

  XING DESIGN 设计工作室的创始人熊星,哈佛大学建筑学硕士,清华大学建筑学硕士、学士。在创建 XING DESIGN 之前,于纽约KPF担任高级建筑设计师,负责超高层设计项目。在此之前,他曾加入北京都市实践,丹麦哥本哈根B.I.G,以及阿姆斯特丹UNStudio等世界最炙手可热的设计团队,参与众多不同类型的设计挑战。


公众号: xingdesignblog


  Founded in New York and settled in Shanghai in 2016, XING DESIGN is a vanguard design studio committed in architecture and interior design, urban planning and development, landscape, info-graphic and installation

  “XING” in English implies crossing or intersection. We are investigating
in the creative design issues in multiple disciplines. We believe design based approach is the key, not only for smart solutions, but also to rethink, uncover latent needs and desires, therefore to sustain innovation and launch new ventures.

  “XING” in Mandarin is a quote from “Top scholars, diligently carry theory into practice.” We establish effective collaborations, optimize work ows, in order to realize ideas precisely.