
建筑设计师 7k~12k

本科及以上 二年以上 福建-厦门市

更新时间: 2019-09-04

私营/民营企业 1 - 49人


招聘日期: 2019-08-22 ~ 2019-09-20


1.   拥有建筑学本科及以上学历,建筑师要求2年以上工作经验;

2.   有扩初图及施工图经验者优先;

3.   熟练掌握AutoCAD、SketchUp、Adobe(PS/AI/ID)等制图软件,熟练使用Rhino、Vray等建模渲染软件者优先;

4.   有高度责任心及严谨的工作态度,热爱专业及具团队合作精神;

5.   有海外留学或工作经历,英文佳者优先。

1.   Bachelor of Architecture with more than 2 years of work experience;

2.   Experience of Design Development and Construction Design preferred;

3.   Skilled in AutoCAD, SketchUp,Adobe(PS/AI/ID)and other relevant software. Skilled in Rhino, Vray preferred;

4.   Strong sense of responsibility and accountable manner, professionally dedicated and team-spirited;

5.   Overseas study or working background and fluent communication in English is preferred.

申请方式 | Application

1.   请将个人简历及作品集以PDF档案(不超过15M,不接受任何压缩文件或下载超链接)发送到 hr@heyi.design;

2.   邮件标题格式:“姓名+工作地点+申请职位”。简历中需包含个人信息,个人近照及联系方式,作品集需包含学生时期作品。并请注明最快到岗时间, 工作城市,期待薪金,我们将会在五个工作日内回复,请注意查收回复邮件。(国外工作要求申请人持有有效的工作签证)

3.   官方网站:www.heyi.design

4.   办公地点:

Jozef Libertstraat 30, 2140 Antwerp, Belgium;


1.   Please send your CV and portfolio in pdf (less than 15MB, no compressed folder or download hyperlink) to hr@heyi.design;

2.   Please identify“your name + workplace +position” you are applying for in the title of email. Your CV must include your personal information, a recent photo of yourself and contact information. Portfolio must include your student works. Please indicate the earliest availability date and expected salary,we will reply you within five working days. (Applicant who apply for work in Belgium need an available working permit);

3.   Website:www.heyi.design

4.   Office Address:

Jozef Libertstraat 30, 2140 Antwerp, Belgium;

12F, JingXie Mansion, No.7 Lianhua South Rd, Xiamen.