高级建筑师/项目负责人 20k~30k
本科及以上 八年以上 北京
更新时间: 2024-08-08
招聘日期: 2024-08-08 ~ 2025-01-04
- 专业不限
- 无职称
- 全职
- 1人
- 英语良好
Being responsible for the design and management during the whole process of project from the conceptual design to the preliminary design and the construction coordination, etc.
Bachelor’s degree or above in Architecture, applicants with overseas study experience
At least 6 years’ experience in architecture, including experience of project management, project coordination in architectural industry. Strong innovation ability and excel in expressing design concept and details via hand drawing.
Experience in food market projects
Being familiar with the relevant national and local laws, regulations, policies and codes of practice.
5.成本控制意识强,有良好的工程现场经验,善于团队建设和组织汇报;Strong cost control awareness, abundant experience on project field, good at team building, organization and reporting works.
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